Join the AIANY Diversity & Inclusion Committee in partnership with the New York Chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects (nycobaNOMA) and The Institute For Public Architecture (IPA) for “Conversations: Equity Agendas” at the Center For Architecture. Presented as part of the annual Max Bond Lecture, an annual series of design talks in memory of J. Max Bond, Jr., FAIA, “Conversations: Equity Agendas” will the agendas of affordability, housing, and community. Mayor Bill de Blasio has promised 200,000 units of affordable housing. NYCHA is facing a ballooning deficit and a waiting list of 250,000. How does New York City embark upon a construction boom of affordable housing? The Institute for Public Architecture’s Total Reset program series explores ambitious, achievable ideas for public and below-market housing in New York. The series, featuring the inaugural IPA Fellowship, responds to Mayor de Blasio’s “total reset” for housing. What material forms, spatial politics, health issues and cost structures shape affordable housing in the New York City?
When: Monday, October 27, 6-8pm
Where: Center for Architecture, 536 LaGuardia Place
Nadine Maleh, Director, Inspiring Places for Community Solutions, IPA Fellow
Kaja Kühl, Columbia University GSAPP 5 Borough Studio, IPA Fellow
Quillian Riano, Principal, DSGNAGNC, Director of Strategy & Research, NYDesigns, IPA Fellow
Sagi Golan, Urban Designer NYC Dept. of City Planning, Columbia Univ. GSAPP, IPA Fellow
Miriam Peterson, Principal & Founder, Peterson Rich Office, IPA Fellow
Nathan Rich, Principal & Founder, Peterson Rich Office, IPA Fellow