The Climate Crisis Studio, 2019, 2021
At the beginning of the most critical decade to sustain this planet for future generations – and at the convergence of multiple crises, this series of studios at Columbia University GSAPP was intended to generate conversation, visualize possible futures, and inspire communities to seize this moment and envision a just transition away from fossil fuels, exploitation, and systems of racial inequities to a future that is regenerative and just.
Sixty percent of Americans now live in cities of under 50,000 residents. The studios positioned small cities and rural regions of the Hudson Valley as prototypes for deep systemic change and multi-scalar design. The courses were team-taught together with Lee Altman, Anna Dietzsch, Jerome Haferd, Liz McEnaney, Justin Moore, Zarith Pineda, Shachi Pandey, Thadeus Pawlowski, Raafi Rivero, David Smiley, Dragana Zoric.
Both studios were part of a larger national conversation through the Green New Deal Superstudio and Buell Center’s Public Works for A Green New Deal Curricular Initiative. Download publications of the projects below.